Delphos Granite Works
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Delphos Granite Works
Est. 1991, Delphos Granite works is a 4th generation family owned business. Delphos Granite Works specializes in monuments, gravestones, tombstones, veterans projects and monument repairs. We feel our quality and workmanship is superior and we have tremendous customer service, striving to go above and beyond for the customer and their families.
Delphos Granite Works contributes to Delphos St. Johns Festival, Delphos St. Johns Athletic Boosters, Delphos Jefferson Athletic Boosters, Delphos Christmas Project and Various other school projects. Delphos Granite Works appreciates being a member of the Delphos Chamber and working together to make Delphos a better place.
Fun Fact: All of the artwork on pieces is done at the Delphos location and the granite is imported from all over the world.
Thank you for your continued support of the Delphos Chamber of Commerce. We value your membership and commitment to the Delphos Community!
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